HC Dropouts 2011

É sempre com alguma pena que vemos algumas bandas a anunciarem a sua despedida dos palcos. Ficam, no entanto, as boas memórias dos concertos dados e discos editados e a esperança de novos projectos. Embora não sejam de hoje, o 4TheKids partilha dois comunicados de duas bandas que cessaram recentemente as suas actividades:


Dearest Hardcore-Punk Community, We have decided to disband and go on an indefinite hiatus. Thanks for everything, -Another Breath Post Script We plan to host a weekend of final shows in the upstate NY area August 26th - August 28th. We inte...nd to do a show at in our hometown of Fulton, NY (30 min north of Syracuse) on 8/26 and play mostly older songs since this is where the band got its start many years ago. On 8/27 we will host a show at The Lost Horizon in Syracuse, NY, this will be our last show. Then, on 8/28 we want to set up a show at an art space/collective in Syracuse called Badlands where AB member’s side project bands will perform. At the moment our last West Coast show is scheduled for May 27th at the Panic Records Showcase, the first day of Rain Fest in Seattle. Sorry for the late notice on this, we are hoping to play some after party shows as well but nothing has been confirmed yet. We are very thankful for the experiences we’ve shared and all the great friends we’ve made along the way. We share a deep respect for the all people who have helped us out. We have been very fortunate and will carry the memories with us for years to come. As of right now we have no future plans to play shows or write songs in the form of Another Breath so we are calling it a day. Perhaps this is just a hiatus for an undetermined amount of time, perhaps this will be our final show ever, time and inspiration will tell. Some of us have been friends for over 15 years, much of those years were of the highest quality; as kids at recess and riding the bus to school, as adolescents causing trouble in the small town where grew up, and as young adults traveling around causing trouble in other small towns. We are now all in different places physically and mentally and the time has come to move on in our respective directions. We are all still friends so it’s conceivable that we will play together someday, but for now we have decided to lay the band to rest. As you may have noticed we used to play shows and tour all the time but over the past few years everything has just slowed down and now has come to a grinding halt. Thanks again to everyone who has helped us out, showed us a good time and listened to our songs, it has meant the world to us. We are very grateful to have had the opportunities that have been afforded to us.


Breakdown is no longer playing shows as of February 2011. Thanks everyone for the years of support! See you on the other side...
Killing The Dream Break Up
Hey all. Killing The Dream is finally breaking up. It's probably overdue, but nonetheless we have a show booked and here it goes: July 2nd @ 924 Gilman St w/ The Carrier, All Teeth, +1 TBA. Gilman's a great venue and we wouldnt want to do this show anywhere else.

We only ever wanted to do a 7"EP. The fact that we stayed a band for so long, made it all across the globe, we are truly spoiled. Thank you everyone for the support. Kyle, Zach & Rivalry Records, Tre, Jake, Nicole & Deathwish Inc, Mike Hood & Westcoast Worldwide...thank you guys so much for everything...Hopefully we will see you at the show...